Saturday, November 20, 2021

"a hope longer than time and stronger than misfortune"

"I find no solution for the future except in Christianity and in Catholic Christianity in particular. . . .  If there is to be a future, a mighty and free future, that future is still far off, far beyond the visible horizon; we will be able to reach it only with the help of that Christian hope whose wings grow in proportion as everything seems to betray it, a hope longer than time and stronger than misfortune."

     François-René de Chateaubriand, Mémoires d'outre-tombe 14.7 [=partie 4, livre x], as quoted by Jean-Luc Marion and translated by Stephen E. Lewis in A brief apology for a Catholic moment (Chicago:  The University of Chicago Press, 2021), 85.  French from pp. 468 and 472 of tome 6 of the new Garnier edition of 1898-1899 edited by Edmund Biré:

. . . je ne trouve de solution à l’avenir que dans le christianisme et dans le christianisme catholique. . . .
. . . si un avenir doit être, un avenir puissant et libre, cet avenir est loin encore, loin au delà de l’horizon visible; on n’y pourra parvenir qu’à l’aide de cette espérance chrétienne dont les ailes croissant à mesure que tout semble la trahir, espérance plus longue que le temps et plus forte que le malheur.
The line with which that second paragraph begins is "Si le ciel n’a pas prononcé son dernier arrêt;" "If heaven has not pronounced its last 'Halt!'" or, better, "sentence".

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