"Ehen werden für immer geschlossen,
nicht für ewig."
Bernd Wannenwetsch, Die
Freiheit der Ehe, 299, as quoted by Christoph Raedel on p. 190 and
193n55 of his "Christliche Identität und neue Schöpfung: Das
Evangelium von der Rechtfertigung des Gottlosen als Zentrum der kirchlichen Homosexualitätdiskussion," European journal of theology 24,
no. 2 (2015): 190 and 193n55. Nicely put, if not at all nicely done.
Raedel, same page, underscoring mine:
Raedel, same page, underscoring mine:
The—by Paul no more than sketched—distinction between the heavenly and the earthly bodies (1 Cor 15:39-49) refers also to the earthly restriction [(Begrenzung)] of marriage. In this way monogamous heterosexual marriage experiences its theological relativization. Yet [(jedoch)] it is relativized not in relation to other human forms of life, but by this, that it is placed in relation to the promise of the new creation. Characteristic of the kingdom of God in its final consummation will be the sublimation of the marriage between man and woman [(Mann und Frau)] into [(die 'Auf-Hebung' . . . in . . . hinein)] the 'marriage' between Christ and the glorified community (Rev 19:7).