"Deus enim genuit illum, per quem omnia sunt facta; et Maria
peperit illum, per quem omnia sunt salvata.
Deus genuit illum, sine quo penitus nihil est; et Maria peperit illum,
sine quo omnino nihil bene est. O vere
Dominus tecum, cui dedit Dominus, ut omnis natura tantum tibi deberet secum."
St. Anselm, Oratio 52 =PL 158, col. 956B. Procure this in the truly critical edition of F. S. Schmitt, 1938/1946-1961. Note the lacuna in the English of the Liturgy of the hours. Also, read the whole thing. I haven't looked into the authenticity of the seal, above.
St. Anselm, Oratio 52 =PL 158, col. 956B. Procure this in the truly critical edition of F. S. Schmitt, 1938/1946-1961. Note the lacuna in the English of the Liturgy of the hours. Also, read the whole thing. I haven't looked into the authenticity of the seal, above.