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A Lutheran logo of unknown origin |
"Da fidelibus tuis, Domine, quos et verbi tui et caelestis sacramenti pabulo nutris et vivificas, ita dilecti Filii tui tantis muneribus proficere, ut eius vitae semper consortes effici mereamur."
Give to your faithful, O Lord, whom you nourish with and vivify by means of the food of your both Word and heavenly Sacrament, so to profit from these great gifts of your beloved Son that we may merit to be made always participants [(consortes)] in his life.
Post-communion, Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary time, current Missale Romanum, following the incipit+ of the Post-communion for the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany in the Missale Parisiense of 1738 (Corpus orationum 14, p. 178 (no. 171/6) < Corpus orationum 13, p. 9 (no. 425 =no. 423; Mt 13:40, 49 + Bénédiction 855: "b. Zizaniorum superseminatorem a vobis procul repellat, et sui verbi pabulo vos indesinenter reficiat. c. Quo, cum dies iudicii advenerit, a reprobis separati, ad dexteram iudicis sistamini et in beatissimo ipsius regno collocemini. Amen. Quod ipse praestare dignetur")), and, so, post-dating the Reformation. Cf. Postcommunion, Fifth week after Epiphany, 1826 Prayerbook [(Paroissien)] of Soissons & Postcommunion, Fifth week after Epiphany, 1820 Heures nouvelles à l'usage du diocèse de Séez:
"Da fidelibus tuis, Domine, quos et verbi tui, et caelestis Sacramenti pabulo nutris ac vivificas, tantis muneribus sic proficere, ut in consummatione seculi separati a reprobis, inter electos tuos numerari mereamur. Per."