Saturday, January 13, 2024

"I can never see God except in that in which God sees Himself"

"I can never see God except in that [itself] in which God sees Himself [inwardly]."

"Niemermê enmac ich got gesehen wan in dem selben, dâ got sich selben inne sihet."

      Meister Eckhart, Sermon 69 (or 42) on Jn 16:16 in German, as trans. Maurice O’C. Walshe (Complete mystical works of Meister Eckhart (New York:  A Herder & Herder Book, The Crossroad Publishing Company, 2009), 236, inexpert interpolations mine.  German from p. 175 l. 5 of Meister Eckharts Predigten, ed. Quint, Bd. 3, Die deutschen Werke 3 (1976) =l. 12 of Predigt 69.  For an earlier edition, see p. 144 of the 1857 edition by Pfeiffer.
     Eckhart refers next to the "inaccessible light" in which, according to St. Paul, "God dwells," but would it be twisting him (with whose thought I am extremely unfamiliar) to see the eternal Word in this (and therefore ultimately the Incarnation), too?  In context, probably.

"Since God loves the soul so mightily, the soul must be a very important thing."

      "Know then that God loves the soul so mightily, it is a wonder.  If anyone were to rob God of loving the soul, he would rob Him of His life and [his] being, or he would kill God, if one may say so; for the self-same love with which God loves the soul is His life, and in that same love the Holy Ghost blossoms forth, and that same love is the Holy Ghost.  Since God loves the soul so mightily, the soul must be a very important thing."

     "Nû wizzet, daz got die sêle als krefticlîche minnet, daz ez wunder ist.  Der daz gote benæme, daz er die sêle niht enminnete, der benæme im sîn leben unde sîn wesen, oder er tôte got, ob man daz sprechen sölte; wan diu selbe minne, dâ mite got die sêle minnet, daz ist sîn leben, und in der selben minne blüejet ûz der heilige geist, und diu selbe minne ist der heilige geist.  Sît got die sêle alsô krefticlîche minnet, sô muoz diu sêle ein alsô grôz dinc sîn."

     Meister Eckhart, Sermon 69 (or 42) on Jn 16:16 in German, as trans. Maurice O’C. Walshe (Complete mystical works of Meister Eckhart (New York:  A Herder & Herder Book, The Crossroad Publishing Company, 2009), 234.  German from p. 163 l. 6-p. 164 l. 2 of Meister Eckharts Predigten, ed. Quint, Bd. 3, Die deutschen Werke 3 (1976), =ll. 34-39 of Predigt 69.  For an earlier edition, see p. 141 of the 1857 edition by Pfeiffer.
     My thanks to Dr. Matthew Milliner for the Facebook post that first flagged this passage for me.
     I'm not sure, though, that the whole of this is entirely orthodox (the Holy Spirit being the Love of the Father for the Son, not (?) the human being), but that last line is nice.