Saturday, August 17, 2024

"Between teleology and eschatology one must choose"

"Between teleology and eschatology one must choose (as Teilhard de Chardin demonstrated, a contrario and despite himself)."

"Between teleology and eschatology one must choose.  Either to enclose the absolute within history or to inscribe history itself in the absolute, the sole [absolute], the Trinity."

     Jean-Luc Marion, "Une fois pour toutes," Communio:  revue catholique internationale no. 249 (2017/1):  12, 24 (9-25).

Thursday, August 15, 2024

"'Put your faith in the mercy of God, for He will not let us burn both in this world and the next.'"

     "They brought the chickweed up and set fire to it, and before those inside knew what was happening, the ceiling of the room was ablaze from end to end.  Flosi's men also lit huge fires in front of all the doors.  At this, the womenfolk began to panic.
     "Njal said to them, 'Be of good heart and speak no words of fear, for this is just a passing storm and it will be long before another like it comes.  Put your faith in the mercy of God, for He will not let us burn both in this world and the next
Trúið þér ok því, at guð er miskunnsamr, ok mun hann oss eigi bæði láta brenna þessa heims ok annars)].'"

      Njal's saga 129 (trans. Magnus Magnusson & Hermann Pálsson (London:  Penguin Books, 1960), 266).  Original (which I know nothing about) from the critical edition upon which the above translation is based:  Brennu-Njáls saga, ed. Einar Ól. Sveinsson (Reykjavík : Hið íslenzka fornritafélag, 1954), 328-329.