Sunday, July 18, 2010

Möhler on the de-mundanization of the Church

"the confidence of the Church may not be built on earthly wealth and earthly power; so that I doubt not for a moment that wealth in inward goods would increase with a decrease in outward, and [that] the Church would be de-mundanized [(entweltlicht)] to the extent that many of its worldly goods were to fall away."

     Johann Adam Möhler, letter to Countess Sophie von Stolberg, Tübingen, 24 June 1834, as reproduced at Der Katholik:  Zeitschrift für katholische Wissenschaft und kirchliches Leben, 3rd ser., 33 (1906):  380, and quoted at the head of Ignaz Zangerle, "Zur Situation der Kirche [in Österreich]," Der Brenner 14 (1933/1934):  42 (42-81) (but without the subjunctives present in Der Katholik).

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