Sunday, August 18, 2024

The "oblique" "diagonal of the now"

"If nothing is decided in time, nothing is saved in time.  It is necessary, therefore, to save time from its indecision."

"According to the diagonal of the
νῦν, each instant can (and must) be experienced as the last—as the occasion of the decision for or against [the decision that] Christ [made, in obedience to the will of his Father, once for all], as the opportunity to put an end to the time of indecision.  The Last Judgment can intervene at every moment in which that decision can be made, i.e. at any [(chaque, every)] instant whatever of our meaningless [(insensé)] time.  'Behold, now (νῦν) is "the time of favor"; behold, now is "the day of salvation" (Is 49:8)' (2 Cor 6:2).  From [the moment of] my death I am all of a sudden introduced into the absolute, where everything has been decided [(où tout s’est joué)]."

     Jean-Luc Marion, "Une fois pour toutes," Communio:  revue internationale catholique no. 249 (2017/1):  15, 23 (9-25).  The poem "Colossians 3:3," "Our life is hid with Christ in God," is of course by George Herbert.

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