Sunday, July 3, 2022

"'a great many things, formerly regarded as forbidden, are [now] permitted,'" nay celebrated

"'our doctors have laboured to discover, in their wisdom, that a great many things, formerly regarded as forbidden, are innocent and allowable....'"

"'nos Peres ont travaillé à découvrir par leur lumiere qu’il y a un grand nombre de choses permises qui passoient autrefois pour defenduës....'"

     Pascal's preening Jesuit at the head of the former's Tenth provincial, as trans. M’Crie (GBWW, 1st ed. (1952), vol. 33, p. 71), the goal of the Jesuits being, according to him, "to 'attract all and repel none [(attirer tout le monde, et ne rebuter personne, to attract the whole world and repel no one)].'"  French from p. 249 of vol. 5 of the critical edition of the Œuvres ed. Brunschvicg.  But of course he is about to proceed to even further such discoveries.

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