Friday, August 24, 2018

"not into those things which are about to be and be passing but into those which are before"

     St. Augustine, Confessions XI.xxix.39.  Trans. Chadwick:
'forgetting the past' and moving not towards those future things which are transitory but to 'the things which are before' me. . .
Trans. Pine-Coffin:
"forgetting what I have left behind.  I look forward, not to what lies ahead of me in this life and will surely pass away, but to my eternal goal.
The Latin, continuing on beyond this point just a bit:
praeterita oblitus, non in ea quae futura et transitura sunt, sed in ea quae ante sunt non distentus sed extentus, non secundum distentionem sed secundum intentionem sequor ad palmam supernae vocationis. . . . 
having forgotten the past; not into those things which are about to be and be passing but into those which are before; not distended but extended; not according to distention but according to intention do I press towards the prize of the supernal vocation. . . .
This is so indescribably rich in context!

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