Monday, February 3, 2025

Textus receptus

 "Textum ergo habes, nunc ab omnibus receptum:  in quo nihil immutatum aut corruptum damus."

     Η ΚΑΙΝΗ ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗ.  [Hē Kainē Diathēkē.]  Novum Testamentum. Ex regiis aliisque optimis editionibus, hac nova expressum:  cui quid accesserit, praefatio docebit.  Lvgd. Batavorum:  Ex Officina Elzeviriana, [1633], p. *2 verso ("TYPOGRAPHI LECTORIBUS de hac editione", "The printers to the readers of this edition").  My thanks to Suzanne Smith for the diversion, and to Armin Siedlecki for the proper "page" terminology.

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