Thursday, December 26, 2024

Civil valor

      "After all, we have gotten use to regarding as valor only valor in war (or the kind that is needed for flying in outer space), the kind which jingle-jangles with medals.  We have forgotten another concept of valor [(доблесть)]—civil [(гражданскую)] valor.  And that's all our society needs, just that, just that, just that!  That's all we need and that's exactly what we haven't got."

     Aleksander I. Solzhenitsyn, The gulag archipelago 1918-1956:  an experiment in literary investigation I-II, trans. Thomas P. Whitney (New York:  Harper & Row, 1973), 461-462 (chap. 12, Tyurzak) = first full paragraph on p. 464 of the Paris (YMCA - Press) Russian edition of 1973.  Cf. Alexievich.

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