Sunday, July 14, 2024

"labor und error"

"nothing would be more absurd than to interpret every image of [the externally multifarious and internally complex pagan and especially 'Christian'] labyrinth . . . as the manifestation of but a single sense.  The intention behind every single [(jeder einzelne)] employment of the figure . . . must be groped after differentially [(differenzierend . . . ertastet)]. . . ."

     Wolfgang Haubrichs, "Error inextricabilis:  Form und Funktion der Labyrinthabbildung in mittelalterlichen Handschriften," in Text und Bild:  Aspekte des Zusammenwirkens zweier Künst in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit, hrsg. Christel Meier und Uwe Ruberg (Wiesbaden:  Reichert, 1980), 158 (63-174), translation and underscoring mine.  Needless to say, I have yet to read (all 112 pages of) this impressive-looking article as a whole.

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