Monday, February 26, 2024

John Henry Newman on the truth at an extreme

"I had got but a little way in my work, when my trouble returned upon me.  The ghost had come a second time.  In the Arian History I found the very same phenomenon, in a far bolder shape, which I had found in the Monophysite.  I had not observed it in 1832.  Wonderful that this should come upon me!  I had not sought it out; I was reading and writing in my own line of study, far from the controversies of the day, on what is called a 'metaphysical' subject; but I saw clearly, that in the history of Arianism, the pure Arians were the Protestants, the semi-Arians were the Anglicans, and that Rome now was what it was then.  The truth lay, not with the Via Media, but with what was called 'the extreme party.'  As I am not writing a work of controversy, I need not enlarge upon the argument; I have said something on the subject in a volume, from which I have already quoted."

     John Henry [Cardinal] Newman, Apologia pro vita sua, chap. 3, "History of my religious opinions from 1839 to 1841," ed. David J. DeLaura, Norton critical edition (1968), 114-115.

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