Thursday, November 24, 2022

True freedom

"There is no [necessary] conflict between nature and culture, but [only] . . . a subtle interaction.  There are only two sexual identities, th[e two] that the man and the woman receive as a given from the [moment of] conception.  Culture [functions] as the invaluable auxiliary of nature, to the end that each might become what he really is. . . . [T]he human person [is] an integral whole [(un être harmonieux)] who must unfold in a harmonious fashion his whole life long out into what he [actually] is."

     Fr. Thomas le Taillandier de Gabory, O.P., "Gender:  laissez le 'sexe primer'!," Bulletin de littérature ecclésiastique 116, no. 3 (July 2015):  125 (117-130), translation mine.  Fr. de Gabory, Ph.D. and S.Th.D., is also a doctor engaged in medical research.  From p. 121:

Above all, and this is the essential thing, there is a real plasticity of the brain.  This is a major discovery.  The brain is a dynamic organ of great plasticity. . . .  The brain is therefore a plastic organ, but it is in reality the [integrally] whole [human] being who is plastic.  Here science rejoins the [Christian] faith.  God always gives the person a chance to be converted.  Nothing is ever determined.  Man is never condemned to remain in evil.  It is thus that, until his last breath, [a] man can change; his brain and the whole of his entire being are supple, dynamic, plastic.

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