Saturday, January 29, 2022

"an elevation of the [original] sense of the text"

"Over against this [recent exegetical trend] stands the dogmatic heritage of church history [(der dogmengeschichtliche Befund)], according to which the doctrinal pronouncements of the Church on the dogmas of the Immaculate Conception (Ineffabilis Deus (Pius IX in 1854); Fulgens corona (Pius XII in 1953)) and the Bodily Assumption (Munificentissimus Deus (1950)) recognized the Protoevangelium as [a] biblical argument independently of the reading ipsa and without [an] authoritative ruling as to the [(ohne Festlegung auf)] literal or typological sense [of Gen 3:15], but rather under [the impact of an] immersion in the proof from the Fathers [(allerdings unter Einfügung in den Väterbeweis)] and in consideration of the prevailing certainty of faith [(der vorwaltenden Glaubensüberzeugung)] (the factum ecclesiae).  According to Munificentissimus Deus the Assumption has thus its fundamentum in Scripture, which wants to signify not a formal being-contained [therein (ein förmaliches Enthaltensein)], but yet functions in a more than merely supportive way.  There is in this sense no independent proof from Scripture, but an elevation [(Erhebung)] of the meaning [(Sinnes)] of the text in the light of the complete whole that is the Church’s confession of faith [(des integralen Glaubensbekenntnisses der Kirche)], which the historical-critical method is incapable of [either reaching or] representing [(zu repräsentieren)], just as it is fundamentally incompetent to decide concerning credenda [(das zu Gaubende) in general].  It is on the grounds of this faithfully ecclesial [(gläubig-kirchlichen)] interpretation that one is referred to the sensus plenior and/or to the sensus spiritualis [of Scripture].  But with reference to this there exists between exegesis and dogmatics [at present?] no agreement."

     Leo Cardinal Scheffczyk, "Protoevangelium," in vol. 5 (1993) of the Marienlexikon ed. Remigius Bäumer and Leo Scheffczyk for the Instititutum Marianum Regensburg (St. Ottilien:  EOS Verlag, 1988-1994), p. 343, underscoring mine.

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