Wednesday, December 8, 2021

"Truly the Lord is with you, to whom the Lord granted that all nature should owe as much to you as to himself."

van der Weyden
"God begot the the Son, through whom all things were made, and Mary gave birth to him as the Savior of the world.  Without God's Son, nothing could exist; without Mary's Son, nothing could be redeemed."
     "Truly 'the Lord is with you,' to whom the Lord granted that all nature should owe as much to you as to himself."

"Deus est Pater constitutionis omnium, et MARIA est mater restitutionis omnium.  Deus enim genuit illum per quem omnia sunt facta, et MARIA peperit illum per quem cuncta sunt salvata.  Deus genuit illum sine quo penitus nihil est, et MARIA peperit illum, sine quo nihil omnino bene est.  O vere »dominus tecum«, cui dedit dominus, ut omnis natura tantum tibi deberet secum."

     St. Anselm, Oratio 52 ad sanctam Virginem Mariam cum meditatione et laude meritorum ejus =PL 158, col. 956B (an edition that the 3rd rev. ed. of the ODCC calls "unsatisfactory") =Oratio 7 ad sanctam MARIAM pro impetrando eius et Christi amore =S. Anselmi Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi Opera omnia, ed. F. S. Schmitt (the critical edition), vol. 3 (Edinburgh:  Thomas Nelson, 1946), p. 22,  as translated in the Office of readings for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Liturgy of the hours, but with the addition of quotation marks around Lk 1:28.  I have taken the Latin from the latter, in which it differs slightly from the former.

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