Friday, August 27, 2021

"Where God's Word is, there is God himself, there God's Spirit is at work, there God establishes his covenant, there he plants His church."

"Waar Gods Woord is, daar is Hij zelf, daar werkt zijn Geest, daar richt Hij zijn verbond op, daar plant Hij zijn kerk."

     Herman Bavinck, Saved by grace:  the Holy Spirit's work in calling and regeneration, trans. J. Mark Beach (Grand Rapids, MI:  Reformation Heritage Books, 2008), 79; Roeping en wedergeboorte (Kampen:  Zalsman, 1903), 109 (chap. 2, "De onmiddellijke werking des H. Geestes en de genademiddelen," The immediate working of the Holy Spirit and the means of grace).  I traced this back to the original Dutch; later, Daniel (Bonggun) Baek, who had access to the e-version of Saved by grace, found it in the English translation.

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