Monday, December 21, 2020

"Often, when it comes to protecting children, no good deed goes unpunished".

      Andrew O'Hagan, "A deep dark place," a review of Mayhem (New York:  Knopf, 2017), by Sigrid Rausing, The New York review of books 65, no. 7 (April 19, 2018):  32 (32-33).  "Sigrid did the right thing, but she is left with the wrong feeling—and that, too, is a legacy of abuse.  It sets a trap for the protector.  The author has serenity, courage, and wisdom, the mainstays of the twelve-step program, and she has a gift for wielding each of them into paragraphs that will stay in the mind.  Yet the mayhem of Hans and Eva [Rausing] has bred a mayhem in her that will take time to dissolve into something more like plain regret" (33).

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