Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The apostle of love is also the apostle of the truth

"in the events of the world but also in the weaknesses of the Church, there is always a risk of losing faith, hence, also love and brotherhood. Consequently, it is a specific duty of those who believe in the Church of love and want to live in her to recognize this danger too and accept that communion is no longer possible with those who have drifted away from the doctrine of salvation (cf. II Jn 9: 11).

"That the newborn Church was well aware of the possible tensions in the experience of communion is clearly shown by John's First Letter:  no voice is more forcefully raised in the New Testament to highlight the reality and duty of fraternal love among Christians; but the same voice is addressed with drastic severity to adversaries of the Church who used to be members of the community but now no longer belong to it.

"The Church of love is also the Church of truth, understood primarily as fidelity to the Gospel. . . ."

     Pope Benedict XVI, "Safeguarding the gift," General audience, Wednesday, 5 April 2006, underscoring mine.

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