Monday, May 7, 2018

Let's not beat around the bush, but get straight to the point

O God, from whom all good things procede, bestow [them] bountifully upon [us], thy suppliants, in order that, at thy inspiration, we may think upon those things that are right, and, at thy direction, do them.  Through.

"Deus, a quo bona cuncta procedunt, largire supplicibus tuis:  ut cogitemus, te inspirante, quae recta sunt; et, te gubernante, eadem faciamus.  Per."

"O God from whom all good things come, we beseech thee grant that by thy inspiration we may thing right thoughts and under thy guidance put them into practice.  Through" (O'Connell & Finberg, The missal in Latin and English (1949)).

"O God, from Whom all good things do come, grant to us thy humble servants that by thy holy inspiration we may think those things that be good, and by the merciful guiding may perform the same.  Through" (

"O God, from whom all that is good proceeds, grant that thy people, by thy inspiration, may resolve on what is right, and by thy direction, put it in practice. Through."


     Oratio, Fifth Sunday after Easter and the Vigil of the Ascension in the old Mass, as well as Matins, Fifth Sunday after Easter in the Divine Office.  (It is also O981co in the 3rd edition of the new missal, though I haven't located it there yet.)  bona cuncta:  Eccl 3:11 (cuncta:  "all in a body/together," "the whole/entirety"), and, more remotely, Js 1:17.  cogitemus:  Phil 4:8.  According to Bruylants no. 199 (vol. 2, p. 62), at least, this goes back to the early 8th-century Gelasian sacramentary.  Cf.

"O God, from whom all good gifts do proceed, and by whom alone it is that we are able to will or to do aught that is well pleasing in Thy sight, grant, we do beseech Thee, that by the illumination of Thy Holy Spirit, we may both desire what is right, and by Thy strength working in us, be enabled to obtain the same, through" (Samuel Miles Hopkins).

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