Friday, March 23, 2018

A prayer for deliverance from the coils of sin

2010- :
"Pardon the offenses of your peoples, we pray, O Lord, and in your goodness set us free from the bonds of the sins we have committed in our weakness.  Through our Lord."

"Lord, grant us your forgiveness, and set us free from our enslavement to sin.  We ask this through our Lord."

"Absolve, quaesumus, Domine, tuorum delicta populorum, ut a peccatorum nexibus, quae pro nostra fragilitate contraximus, tua benignitate liberemur. Per Dominum."

Dismiss, we pray, O Lord, the fallings-short of your peoples, that, from the entanglements of the sins that, on account of our frailty, we have committed, we may by your benignity be set free.

     Opening prayer/Concluding prayer, Friday, Fifth Week of Lent, Roman missal/Liturgy of the hours.  Bruylants no. 7 (vol. 2, p. 10) attributes this to the 8th/9th-century Gelasian sacramentary of Angoulême.  Corpus orationum no. 20 cites the late-8th-century sacramentary of Gellone, the early 8th-century Gregorian, and others, replaces "ut" with "et", and relegates the latter to the variant readings (see also nos. 18 and 19):
Absolve, quaesumus, domine, tuorum delicta populorum et a peccatorum nexibus, quae pro nostra fragilitate contraximus, tua benignitate liberemur.
I don't think it was used in the post-Tridentine missal, the 1979 BCP, or the Church of England's Common worship.

1549 BCP, 24th Sunday after Trinity:
Lord, we beseche thee, assoyle thy people from their offences, that through thy bountiful goodnes we maye bee delyuered from the bandes of all those synnes, whiche by our frayltye we haue committed:  Graunt this, &c.
1662 BCP:
O Lord, we beseech thee, absolve thy people from their offences; that through thy bountiful goodness we may all be delivered from the bands of those sins, which by our frailty we have committed:  Grant this, O heavenly Father, for Jesus Christ's sake, our blessed Lord and Saviour.  Amen.
1928 BCP:
. . . for the sake of Jesus Christ, . . .

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