Saturday, June 16, 2012

he who is the most audacious contemner of God is not infrequently the most startled at the loud clatter of a falling leaf. . . .

passim . . . ut . . . quisque est audacissimus Dei contemptor, ita vel ad folii cadentis strepitum maxime perturbatur. . . .

     John Calvin, Institutes I.iii.2, following (but also modifying) Battles (LCC 20, vol. 1, p.45).  McNeil cites Lev 26:36, where, however, the vocabulary is very different and it is the Israelite remnant in exile that trembles at the sound of the falling leaf:  "et qui de vobis remanserint dabo pavorem in cordibus eorum in regionibus hostium terrebit eos sonitus folii volantis. . . ."

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